
Here are 30 idioms related to the university and student life, along with examples of how to use them in conversational speech:

  1. Hit the books - to study or start working on academic tasks.
    Example: "The exams are coming up, so it's time to hit the books and prepare."

  2. Burning the midnight oil - studying or working late into the night.
    Example: "I have a major assignment due tomorrow, so I'll be burning the midnight oil tonight."

  3. Freshman 15 - the weight gain that some students experience during their first year of university.
    Example: "With all the dining hall food, I'm worried about gaining the Freshman 15."

  4. In the same boat - facing the same challenges or problems.
    Example: "With exams approaching, we're all in the same boat and feeling the pressure."

  5. Party animal - a student who loves to attend parties and social events.
    Example: "She's known as the party animal of the dorm, always looking for fun."

  6. All-nighter - staying awake all night to study or complete an assignment.
    Example: "I had to pull an all-nighter to finish the research paper on time."

  7. Acing a test - to perform exceptionally well on an examination.
    Example: "After weeks of preparation, she ended up acing the test."

  8. Cramming - studying intensively for a test or exam at the last minute.
    Example: "I spent the entire night cramming for the chemistry final."

  9. On a shoestring - to live or manage with a very tight budget.
    Example: "As a student, I'm living on a shoestring, trying to save money wherever I can."

  10. A breath of fresh air - something new and refreshing, often after a period of routine or monotony.
    Example: "After exams, a short vacation will be a breath of fresh air."

  11. Bookworm - a person who loves to read and spends much time doing so.
    Example: "She's always been a bookworm, spending hours in the library."

  12. Join the club - to express that one shares the same experience or situation as others.
    Example: "Feeling stressed during finals week? Join the club; we're all in the same boat."

  13. In the loop - to be informed or included in important discussions or decisions.
    Example: "As a student representative, I need to keep my classmates in the loop about university updates."

  14. Home away from home - a place, often a dorm or shared accommodation, where one feels comfortable and familiar, similar to their own home.
    Example: "After living in the student dorm for a year, it became my home away from home."

  15. Rite of passage - an essential or customary experience one goes through during a particular stage of life.
    Example: "For many, moving away to attend university is considered a rite of passage into adulthood."

  16. Cutting class - to skip or miss a scheduled class without permission.
    Example: "She decided to cut class and go to the mall instead."

  17. Head in the clouds - to be daydreaming or not paying attention.
    Example: "During the lecture, I caught myself with my head in the clouds."

  18. Grade grubbing - seeking higher grades or extra credit, often annoyingly or persistently.
    Example: "Some students are always grade grubbing, asking for extra points on every assignment."

  19. Greek life - the social organizations, such as fraternities and sororities, on college campuses.
    Example: "He decided to join Greek life and became a member of a fraternity."

  20. A tough nut to crack - a difficult problem or challenge to solve.
    Example: "The advanced calculus course was a tough nut to crack for most students."

  21. Dormitory drama - interpersonal conflicts or drama that can occur in shared living spaces.
    Example: "Living in a dorm can be challenging due to dormitory drama among roommates."

  22. Senioritis - a lack of motivation and decreased effort by seniors nearing graduation.
    Example: "After getting accepted to college, some students experience senioritis and lose focus on their studies."

  23. Teacher's pet - a student who is favored by the teacher and receives special treatment.
    Example: "She always gets extra praise from the professor; she's such a teacher's pet."

  24. Tighten one's belt - to reduce spending and live on a stricter budget.
    Example: "With tuition expenses, I had to tighten my belt and cut back on unnecessary purchases."

  25. Hitting the ground running - to start something with enthusiasm and effectiveness.
    Example: "As a new student, she quickly made friends and hit the ground running in her extracurricular activities."

  26. Out of one's element - to feel uncomfortable or unfamiliar in a particular situation.
    Example: "Being in a new country, he felt out of his element and struggled with the language."

  27. Living on ramen - to be in a financial situation where cheap instant noodles become a significant part of one's diet.
    Example: "During my first year at university, I was living on ramen to save money."

  28. Final stretch - the last and most intense part of a semester or academic period.
    Example: "We're in the final stretch before graduation, with exams and projects due."

  29. Pencil pusher - a person who does desk or administrative work, often in a bureaucratic setting.
    Example: "After completing her business degree, she got a job as a pencil pusher in a corporate office."

  30. Book smart vs. street smart - a comparison between academic knowledge and practical wisdom gained from life experiences.
    Example: "He may be book smart, but she's more street smart when it comes to handling real-life situations."

Feel free to use these idioms in your conversations about university and student life to add depth and color to your discussions!