Average Percentages in Typical Meals

The charts below show the average percentages in typical meals of three types of nutrients, all of which may be unhealthy if eaten too much. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Average Percentages in Typical Meals

The pie charts present data on the average consumption of sodium, saturated fat, and added sugar based on different meals. These nutrients can have negative health effects if consumed excessively.

In general, dinner has the highest intake of sodium and saturated fat, while snacks contribute the most to added sugar consumption.

At dinner, sodium consumption constitutes 43% of the total, followed by lunch at 29%. Snack time and breakfast both account for 14% of sodium intake. For saturated fat, dinner comprises the largest proportion at 37%, followed by lunch at 26%. Snacks have a higher proportion of saturated fat at 21% compared to breakfast at 16%.

In terms of added sugar, its consumption is relatively low during dinner at 23%. Snacks, on the other hand, are the primary source of added sugar, contributing 42%. Breakfast has the lowest consumption of added sugar at only 16%.