Part 2 Questions with Answers

1. Describe an advertisement that you found effective.

You should say:

  • What the advertisement was for?
  • Where you saw or heard it?
  • What made it effective?
  • Explain how it influenced your thoughts or actions.
  1. What the Advertisement Was For: The advertisement was for a mobile app called "Fitness Pro," which is a fitness and health tracking application.
  2. Where I Saw or Heard It: I saw the advertisement on various social media platforms, including Instagram and YouTube.
  3. What Made It Effective: Several elements made this advertisement effective:
    • Captivating Visuals: The advertisement featured vibrant and energetic visuals of people engaging in various fitness activities, such as running, yoga, and weightlifting. The scenes were well-shot and conveyed a sense of motivation and enthusiasm.
    • Clear Value Proposition: The advertisement clearly highlighted the app's key features, such as personalized workout plans, calorie tracking, and progress monitoring. It emphasized how the app could help users achieve their fitness goals effectively.
    • Relatable Storyline: The advertisement included a relatable storyline of a person who initially struggled with their fitness journey but found success and improved well-being after using the "Fitness Pro" app. This storyline resonated with potential users who might be facing similar challenges.
    • Testimonials and Social Proof: The advertisement incorporated short testimonials from real users who shared their positive experiences with the app. This social proof added credibility and trustworthiness to the product.
    • Call to Action: The advertisement ended with a strong call to action, encouraging viewers to download the app and offering a limited-time discount for new users.
  4. How It Influenced My Thoughts or Actions: This effective advertisement influenced my thoughts and actions in the following ways:
    • Increased Interest: The advertisement piqued my interest in the "Fitness Pro" app, as it seemed like a comprehensive fitness tool that could help me track my progress and stay motivated.
    • Trust and Credibility: The use of real testimonials and social proof created a sense of trust in the app's effectiveness and reliability. It made me more confident in considering the app as a potential fitness companion.
    • Downloaded the App: The clear call to action and the limited-time discount offer prompted me to take action immediately. I downloaded the "Fitness Pro" app to explore its features and see how it could assist me in my fitness journey.
    • Improved Fitness Routine: After using the app for a few weeks, I found that it indeed helped me stay more consistent with my workouts and provided valuable insights into my health and progress. The app's personalized workout plans and calorie tracking features proved to be beneficial in achieving my fitness goals.

In summary, the effective advertisement for the "Fitness Pro" app successfully captured my attention, built trust in the product, and influenced my decision to download and use the app. It ultimately enhanced my fitness routine and positively impacted my overall well-being.

2. Describe a time when an advertisement influenced your decision to buy something.

You should say:

  • What the product or service was?
  • How the advertisement influenced your decision?
  • Whether you were satisfied with your purchase?
  • Explain how you felt about the influence of the advertisement.
  1. Product: High-end fitness smartwatch
  2. Advertisement Influence:
    • Sleek design and advanced fitness features showcased in the advertisement
    • Testimonials from satisfied users claiming significant health and fitness improvements
    • Visuals depicting the smartwatch in action and seamless integration into daily life
  3. Satisfaction with Purchase:
    • Highly satisfied with the smartwatch's performance
    • Valuable health and activity tracking features
    • Enabled setting and achieving personal fitness goals
    • Integration with a fitness app enhanced user experience
  4. Feelings about Advertisement Influence:
    • Advertisement played a significant role in influencing the purchase decision
    • Created trust and credibility through compelling testimonials and presentation
    • Highlighted the potential positive impact on health and lifestyle
    • Recognized the importance of conducting additional research before making a significant purchase.

3. Describe an advertisement that you found annoying or misleading.

You should say:

  • What the advertisement was for?
  • Where you saw or heard it?
  • Why you found it annoying or misleading?
  • Explain how it affected your opinion of the product or service being advertised.
  1. What the Advertisement Was For: The advertisement was for a weight loss supplement called "SlimFit Extreme."

  2. Where I Saw or Heard It: I encountered the advertisement multiple times while watching online videos on various platforms, including YouTube and social media.

  3. Why I Found It Annoying or Misleading: The advertisement was both annoying and misleading for the following reasons:

    • Exaggerated Claims: The ad made bold and exaggerated claims about the effectiveness of the "SlimFit Extreme" supplement, promising rapid weight loss results without any effort or lifestyle changes. It used before-and-after photos of individuals with dramatic transformations, implying that the supplement was solely responsible for the change.
    • No Scientific Evidence: There was no mention of any scientific studies, medical endorsements, or FDA approval to support the claims made by the advertisement. It lacked credibility and appeared to rely solely on emotional appeals rather than verifiable evidence.
    • Manipulative Tactics: The advertisement employed manipulative tactics, such as fear-mongering about body image and self-esteem issues, to create a sense of urgency and desperation among viewers. It exploited people's insecurities about their appearance to push them towards purchasing the supplement.
    • Hidden Disclaimers: The fine print at the bottom of the advertisement contained disclaimers in small font that contradicted the extravagant claims made in the main ad. These disclaimers stated that individual results may vary, and the supplement should be used in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise, undermining the initial promises of effortless weight loss.
  4. How It Affected My Opinion of the Product: The annoying and misleading nature of this advertisement significantly affected my opinion of the "SlimFit Extreme" supplement. Instead of creating trust and interest in the product, it generated skepticism and mistrust. The lack of scientific evidence and the manipulative tactics used in the advertisement made me question the product's legitimacy and effectiveness.I became wary of any supplement that promises miraculous weight loss results without lifestyle changes or medical supervision. The misleading advertisement created doubt about the authenticity of the brand and its intentions. I also felt that the company was exploiting people's vulnerabilities and insecurities for financial gain, which further eroded my confidence in the product.As a result, I decided not to consider the "SlimFit Extreme" supplement as a viable option for weight loss. Instead, I preferred to focus on proven and sustainable methods for achieving a healthy lifestyle, such as a balanced diet, regular exercise, and consulting with healthcare professionals for personalized guidance.

In conclusion, the annoying and misleading advertisement for the "SlimFit Extreme" weight loss supplement had a negative impact on my perception of the product. It demonstrated the importance of critically evaluating advertisements and being cautious about products that make extravagant claims without credible evidence to support them.

4. Describe a memorable advertising campaign.

You should say:

  • What the campaign was for?
  • What made it memorable?
  • How it affected public opinion or behavior?
  • Explain why you think it was successful.

The memorable advertising campaign I would like to describe is the "Dove Real Beauty" campaign.

  1. Campaign Purpose: The campaign was launched by Dove, a personal care brand, with a focus on promoting real beauty and challenging conventional beauty standards prevalent in the media.
  2. What Made It Memorable: The campaign's memorability stemmed from its powerful message and unique approach. Unlike traditional beauty advertisements that heavily relied on airbrushed models and unrealistic beauty standards, Dove's campaign featured women of various ages, sizes, and ethnicities, showcasing their natural beauty. The campaign's tagline, "Real Beauty," struck a chord with viewers, fostering a sense of inclusivity and empowerment.
  3. Effect on Public Opinion or Behavior: The "Dove Real Beauty" campaign had a profound impact on public opinion and behavior. It sparked conversations about body image, self-esteem, and beauty ideals. By challenging the prevailing norms, the campaign encouraged individuals to embrace their unique beauty and feel confident in their skin.
  4. Why It Was Successful: Several factors contributed to the campaign's success:
    • Authenticity: The campaign resonated with audiences due to its authenticity. Featuring real women with diverse body types and appearances made the message relatable and powerful.
    • Emotional Connection: The campaign evoked strong emotions, tapping into the insecurities many individuals feel about their appearance. By conveying a positive and empowering message, it created an emotional connection with viewers.
    • Social Media Amplification: The campaign effectively utilized social media platforms, encouraging women to share their own stories and experiences under the hashtag #RealBeauty. This viral aspect amplified the campaign's reach and impact.
    • Timeliness: The campaign launched at a time when discussion around body positivity and self-acceptance were gaining momentum. It tapped into a growing cultural shift towards embracing diverse representations of beauty.
    • Long-Term Commitment: Dove's "Real Beauty" campaign was not a one-off effort. The brand consistently followed up with subsequent campaigns that continued to promote the message of inclusivity and self-love. This commitment reinforced the brand's sincerity and credibility.
  5. Overall Impact: The "Dove Real Beauty" campaign's success was not merely measured by commercial gains but also by its profound societal impact. It challenged the beauty industry to rethink its standards and contributed to the broader body positivity movement. Many women reported feeling more confident and accepting of their bodies after encountering the campaign, making it an influential force for positive change.

In conclusion, the "Dove Real Beauty" campaign stood out as a memorable and impactful advertising campaign. Its authentic portrayal of diverse beauty, emotional resonance, strategic use of social media, timeliness, and long-term commitment were the keys to its success. By inspiring women to embrace their natural beauty and challenge societal norms, the campaign left a lasting impression on public opinion and behavior, making a significant contribution to the broader conversation around body positivity and self-acceptance.