
Here are 30 vocabulary words related to food and nutrition, along with examples of using some of them in sentences:

  1. Nutrients - Substances essential for growth, health, and well-being, such as vitamins, minerals, and proteins.
    Example: "Fruits and vegetables are rich in essential nutrients."

  2. Calories - A unit of measurement for energy obtained from food.
    Example: "A chocolate bar contains a lot of calories, so it's best to consume it in moderation."

  3. Protein - A macronutrient essential for building and repairing tissues in the body.
    Example: "Athletes often consume protein shakes to help with muscle recovery."

  4. Carbohydrates - A macronutrient providing energy, found in foods like bread, rice, and pasta.
    Example: "For sustained energy, it's important to include complex carbohydrates in your diet."

  5. Fiber - A type of carbohydrate that aids in digestion and helps maintain bowel health.
    Example: "Eating fruits and vegetables is an excellent way to increase your daily fiber intake."

  6. Vitamins - Essential organic compounds required for various biochemical processes in the body.
    Example: "Citrus fruits are a good source of vitamin C."

  7. Minerals - Inorganic substances essential for normal bodily functions, such as calcium and iron.
    Example: "Milk is a rich source of minerals, especially calcium."

  8. Antioxidants - Substances that help protect the body's cells from damage caused by free radicals.
    Example: "Blueberries are known for their high levels of antioxidants."

  9. Superfoods - Nutrient-rich foods with potential health benefits.
    Example: "Quinoa and kale are often considered superfoods due to their nutritional value."

  10. Hydration - The process of providing sufficient fluids to the body to maintain proper bodily functions.
    Example: "Staying well-hydrated is essential, especially in hot weather."

  11. Organic - Foods grown without the use of synthetic chemicals or genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
    Example: "She prefers to buy organic produce to avoid pesticides."

  12. Processed foods - Foods that have undergone various treatments, often containing added preservatives and artificial ingredients.
    Example: "It's best to limit the consumption of processed foods and opt for whole foods instead."

  13. Gluten - A protein found in wheat, barley, and rye that some people may be intolerant to.
    Example: "People with celiac disease must avoid consuming foods containing gluten."

  14. Allergen - A substance that triggers an allergic reaction in some individuals.
    Example: "Peanuts are a common allergen for many people."

  15. Saturated fat - A type of dietary fat found in animal products that may contribute to heart disease when consumed in excess.
    Example: "It's better to choose foods with less saturated fat for a heart-healthy diet."

  16. Unsaturated fat - A healthier type of dietary fat found in sources like nuts, seeds, and olive oil.
    Example: "Avocado is a good source of unsaturated fat."

  17. Cholesterol - A waxy, fat-like substance present in the body and certain foods, which can impact heart health.
    Example: "Eating a diet high in cholesterol can increase the risk of heart disease."

  18. GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) - An organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques.
    Example: "Some people have concerns about the safety of GMO foods."

  19. Food group - A category of foods based on their nutritional content, such as fruits, vegetables, proteins, and grains.
    Example: "To have a balanced diet, make sure you include foods from each food group."

  20. Portion control - Managing the size of food servings to avoid overeating.
    Example: "Eating smaller portions can help with portion control and weight management."

  21. Dietary supplement - A product containing vitamins, minerals, or other nutrients to complement one's diet.
    Example: "Some individuals take dietary supplements to ensure they meet their nutritional needs."

  22. Balanced diet - A diet that includes a variety of nutrients in appropriate proportions.
    Example: "Eating a balanced diet is crucial for overall health and well-being."

  23. Empty calories - Calories obtained from foods with little to no nutritional value.
    Example: "Sugary sodas are high in empty calories and offer little nutritional benefit."

  24. Malnutrition - A condition resulting from a deficiency or excess of nutrients in the diet.
    Example: "In developing countries, malnutrition is a significant health concern."

  25. Food pyramid - A graphical representation of different food groups and their recommended proportions in a balanced diet.
    Example: "The food pyramid provides a visual guide for making healthy food choices."

  26. Whole foods - Foods that are minimally processed and in their natural state.
    Example: "Eating whole foods like fresh fruits and vegetables is essential for good health."

  27. Food label - Information provided on packaged foods, including nutritional content and ingredient list.
    Example: "Always check the food label for information on calories, fats, and added sugars."

  28. Digestion - The process by which the body breaks down food into nutrients for absorption.
    Example: "Enzymes play a vital role in the process of digestion."

  29. Food intolerance - A negative reaction to certain foods, often due to the inability to digest specific compounds.
    Example: "Lactose intolerance is a common food intolerance where individuals have difficulty digesting milk sugars."

  30. Food poisoning - A negative reaction due to old and decaying foods and consuming sometimes allergic food.
    Example: He got food poisoning from eating undercooked chicken.