
Here are the 30 idioms related to friends.

  1. Buddy up - to become friends or work together closely.
    Example: Let's buddy up for the project, we work well as a team.

  2. In the same boat - facing the same challenges or problems.
    Example: We're all in the same boat, dealing with the tough workload this semester.

  3. Birds of a feather flock together - people with similar interests and characteristics tend to group together.
    Example: It's no surprise they get along so well; birds of a feather flock together.

  4. Go way back - to have known each other for a long time.
    Example: Jane and I go way back, we've been friends since kindergarten.

  5. A shoulder to cry on - someone who provides emotional support during difficult times.
    Example: When I'm feeling down, Sarah is always there, ready to be a shoulder to cry on.

  6. Through thick and thin - being there for someone no matter the circumstances.
    Example: We've been friends through thick and thin; I know I can always count on him.

  7. Two peas in a pod - two people who are very similar or always together.
    Example: Those two are like two peas in a pod, always finishing each other's sentences.

  8. Ride or die - loyal and supportive friends who will stick together no matter what.
    Example: I know he's my ride or die friend; he'll have my back no matter what happens.

  9. BFF (Best Friends Forever) - extremely close and loyal friends.
    Example: She's not just a friend; she's my BFF, and we share everything with each other.

  10. Like two peas in a pod - very close friends who have a strong bond.
    Example: They're like two peas in a pod; they do everything together.

  11. Break bread together - to eat a meal together as a sign of friendship and unity.
    Example: We should break bread together more often; it's a great way to catch up.

  12. Fair-weather friend - a friend who is supportive only during good times.
    Example: She's such a fair-weather friend; she's never around when things get tough.

  13. Warts and all - accepting someone's flaws and imperfections.
    Example: He loves her warts and all; he accepts her for who she truly is.

  14. The more, the merrier - the larger the group, the more enjoyable the event.
    Example: Feel free to invite your friends too; the more, the merrier!

  15. Hit it off - to get along well with someone from the first meeting.
    Example: They hit it off instantly at the party and have been close friends ever since.

  16. Chalk and cheese - two people who are very different from each other.
    Example: They may be friends, but they're like chalk and cheese when it comes to their interests.

  17. Blood is thicker than water - family bonds are stronger than friendships.
    Example: I know we're best friends, but you should always remember that blood is thicker than water.

  18. To have someone's back - to support and protect someone.
    Example: Don't worry; I've got your back in this situation.

  19. Inseparable - unable to be apart from each other.
    Example: Ever since they became friends, they've been inseparable.

  20. To bury the hatchet - to put aside past disagreements and become friends again.
    Example: After years of not speaking, they finally decided to bury the hatchet and mend their friendship.

  21. Keep someone at arm's length - to keep a certain distance from someone, emotionally or physically.
    Example: I like her, but I'm keeping her at arm's length for now until I get to know her better.

  22. A friend in need is a friend indeed - a true friend will be there to help in times of need.
    Example: When I was going through a tough time, Sarah proved that a friend in need is a friend indeed.

  23. Behind someone's back - doing something secretly or without someone's knowledge.
    Example: He was talking about you behind your back; you should be careful who you trust.

  24. To be on the same wavelength - to understand each other perfectly.
    Example: We always know what the other person is thinking; we're on the same wavelength.

  25. To have a heart-to-heart - to have a deep and honest conversation.
    Example: We need to sit down and have a heart-to-heart about our feelings.

  26. To see eye to eye - to agree on something.
    Example: We don't always see eye to eye, but we respect each other's opinions.

  27. To put friendship on the line - risking the friendship for a particular purpose.
    Example: By telling her the truth, I'm putting our friendship on the line, but she deserves to know.

  28. To have a falling out - to have a disagreement or argument that damages the friendship.
    Example: They had a falling out over a misunderstanding, but I hope they reconcile soon.

  29. A kindred spirit - someone who shares similar attitudes, beliefs, or interests.
    Example: From the moment we met, we realized we were kindred spirits.

  30. To turn a blind eye - to ignore someone's faults or actions intentionally.
    Example: Even though he knows I made a mistake, he's turning a blind eye because he's my friend.

Remember, idioms can vary in usage depending on the context, so use them appropriately to add color to your conversations with friends!