
Here are 30 idioms related to social media, along with examples of how to use them in conversational speech with the word:

  1. Scrolling through feeds - the act of looking through social media content on platforms like Instagram or Twitter.
    Example: "I spent hours scrolling through feeds and lost track of time."

  2. Going viral - when a post or video becomes extremely popular and is shared rapidly by a large number of people.
    Example: "Her funny cat video went viral, getting millions of views in just a few days."

  3. Clickbait - content designed to attract attention and encourage clicks, often misleading or exaggerated.
    Example: "I fell for the clickbait headline, but the article wasn't as interesting as I expected."

  4. Tagging along - mentioning or identifying someone in a post or comment on social media.
    Example: "She was tagging along in all the group photos from the party."

  5. Slide into someone's DMs - to send a direct message to someone on social media, often to start a conversation or flirt.
    Example: "He decided to be brave and slide into her DMs to ask her out."

  6. Friend request - a notification or request to connect with someone on social media as a friend or follower.
    Example: "After the conference, I received a friend request from one of the speakers."

  7. Unfriend/unfollow - to remove someone from one's social media connections.
    Example: "She decided to unfriend her colleague after a disagreement on social media."

  8. FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) - the anxiety or unease that one might miss out on something exciting or interesting happening on social media.
    Example: "I have a bad case of FOMO when I see my friends having fun without me in their posts."

  9. Ghosting - when someone suddenly stops responding or interacting with another person on social media without explanation.
    Example: "He stopped replying to her messages, and she felt like she was being ghosted."

  10. Troll - someone who intentionally posts inflammatory or offensive comments to provoke others on social media.
    Example: "Ignore the troll; they are just looking to start arguments."

  11. Influencer - a person with a large following on social media who can affect the opinions and behaviors of their audience.
    Example: "She's become a popular influencer in the fitness community, promoting healthy living."

  12. Feed the algorithm - to create content or engage in a way that increases visibility and reach on social media platforms.
    Example: "If you want your posts to be seen, you must feed the algorithm with consistent content."

  13. Like/Heart/Thumbs up - the action of expressing approval or showing appreciation for a post on social media.
    Example: "She received many likes on her stunning sunset photo."

  14. Share/Retweet/Regram - the action of reposting someone else's content on one's own social media profile.
    Example: "I loved the article she shared, so I decided to retweet it."

  15. Emoticon/Emoji - a small digital icon used to convey emotions or ideas in messages on social media.
    Example: "She added a smiling emoticon to her comment to show she was joking."

  16. Facepalm - an expression of frustration or disbelief, often accompanied by a hand hitting the forehead, used humorously in response to something silly or obvious on social media.
    Example: "I can't believe he asked such a basic question; facepalm."

  17. Caption this - an invitation for followers to provide their own funny or creative captions for a photo or video.
    Example: "The picture of her dog was hilarious; she asked her followers to caption this."

  18. Throwback Thursday (#TBT) - a popular social media trend where people share old photos or memories on Thursdays.
    Example: "For Throwback Thursday, she posted a picture from her childhood."

  19. Selfie - a self-portrait photograph taken with a smartphone or camera and shared on social media.
    Example: "She took a selfie in front of the landmark and uploaded it to Instagram."

  20. Filter - an effect applied to a photo to enhance or alter its appearance before posting on social media.
    Example: "The filter made the sunset photo look even more stunning."

  21. Meme - a humorous image, video, or text that spreads rapidly and is widely shared and adapted by users on social media.
    Example: "The meme of the cat became a viral sensation."

  22. DM group - a private group chat on social media where multiple users can communicate with each other.
    Example: "We created a DM group for planning the surprise party."

  23. Follow spree - a period of time when a user follows many new accounts on social media in a short time.
    Example: "He went on a follow spree, adding dozens of new followers in just a few minutes."

  24. Live stream - a real-time video broadcast that allows viewers to watch an event or content as it happens on social media.
    Example: "The concert was live-streamed, so fans from around the world could watch it."

  25. Comment section - the area under a post where users can leave comments or replies on social media.
    Example: "The comment section was filled with positive feedback about her new song."

  26. Going dark - taking a break from social media or reducing online presence for a period.
    Example: "She's going dark for a week to focus on her studies."

  27. Shout-out - a public acknowledgment or mention of someone on social media to give them recognition or praise.
    Example: "He gave a shout-out to his followers for their support."

  28. Swipe up - a call-to-action on Instagram or other platforms where users can swipe up on a story to access a link or content.
    Example: "She shared a link to her blog post and encouraged followers to swipe up for more information."

  29. Follower count - the number of users who follow a particular social media account.
    Example: "She was excited to reach a milestone of 10,000 follower count."

  30. Verified badge - a blue checkmark that indicates a social media account is authentic and belongs to a notable figure or organization.
    Example: "After gaining popularity, she finally received the coveted verified badge on her account."

Feel free to use these idioms in your conversations about social media to add depth and color to your discussions!