
Here are 30 idioms related to food and nutrition, along with examples of how to use them in conversational speech with the word "example" bolded:

  1. Food for thought - something that makes you think deeply or consider a topic carefully.
    Example: "His speech about climate change provided a lot of food for thought."
  2. The icing on the cake - something that enhances a positive situation.
    Example: "Winning the game was great, and the celebration afterward was the icing on the cake."
  3. Piece of cake - something very easy to accomplish.
    Example: "Don't worry about the test; it's a piece of cake if you've studied."
  4. Big cheese - an important or influential person.
    Example: "She's the big cheese in the company; her decisions matter the most."
  5. Couch potato - a person who spends a lot of time sitting and watching TV.
    Example: "I used to be a couch potato, but now I exercise regularly."
  6. Selling like hotcakes - selling rapidly and in large quantities.
    Example: "The new smartphone is selling like hotcakes; everyone wants one."
  7. Bring home the bacon - to earn a living and provide financial support for a family.
    Example: "He works hard to bring home the bacon and take care of his family."
  8. Foodie - a person who is enthusiastic about food and enjoys trying different dishes.
    Example: "She's a foodie, always exploring new restaurants and cuisines."
  9. Bad apple - a person who has a negative influence on others.
    Example: "One bad apple in the group can spoil the whole project."
  10. Eat humble pie - to admit a mistake and apologize.
    Example: "After his rude behavior, he had to eat humble pie and make amends."
  11. Spill the beans - to reveal a secret or confidential information.
    Example: "Okay, I'll spill the beans; we're planning a surprise party for you."
  12. A watched pot never boils - time seems to move slower when you're waiting for something.
    Example: "Stop checking the oven; remember, a watched pot never boils."
  13. Full of beans - full of energy and enthusiasm.
    Example: "Even after a long day, the kids are still full of beans."
  14. Apple of someone's eye - a person who is cherished or loved deeply by someone.
    Example: "His daughter is the apple of his eye; he adores her."
  15. Butter someone up - to flatter someone to gain favor or something from them.
    Example: "She's trying to butter someone up to get a promotion."
  16. A piece of the pie - a share in the benefits or profits.
    Example: "Every team member contributed, so they all deserve a piece of the pie."
  17. Like a kid in a candy store - extremely happy and excited about something.
    Example: "She was like a kid in a candy store when she got the scholarship."
  18. Cool as a cucumber - to remain calm and composed, especially in stressful situations.
    Example: "Even during the crisis, he stayed cool as a cucumber."
  19. Bread and butter - the main source of income or livelihood.
    Example: "Her online store is her bread and butter; it pays the bills."
  20. Spice things up - to add excitement or variety to a situation.
    Example: "Let's spice things up by trying a new recipe for dinner."
  21. Hot potato - a sensitive or controversial issue that is difficult to handle.
    Example: "The topic of politics can be a hot potato during family gatherings."
  22. Take something with a grain of salt - to not completely believe or trust something.
    Example: "He's known to exaggerate, so I take his stories with a grain of salt."
  23. Cream of the crop - the best or highest-quality people or things in a group.
    Example: "The top students in the class are considered the cream of the crop."
  24. All sizzle and no steak - something that promises to be great but fails to deliver.
    Example: "The movie's trailer was exciting, but the film was all sizzle and no steak."
  25. Eyes are bigger than the stomach - taking more food than one can eat.
    Example: "I ordered too much; my eyes were bigger than my stomach."
  26. Out to lunch - not paying attention or being unaware of what's happening.
    Example: "During the meeting, he seemed out to lunch and missed important points."
  27. In a nutshell - a concise summary or explanation of something.
    Example: "To put it in a nutshell, the project was a huge success."
  28. Sour grapes - pretending not to care for something one desires but cannot have.
    Example: "He said he didn't want the promotion, but it's just sour grapes."
  29. Nuts about something/someone - to be extremely enthusiastic or fond of something or someone.
    Example: "She's nuts about classic cars; she collects them."
  30. Bite the bullet - to face a difficult or unpleasant situation bravely.
    Example: "It's tough, but we need to bite the bullet and deal with the problem."

Remember, idioms can add flavor and color to your conversations, so try incorporating them into your discussions about food and nutrition!