
Here are 30 vocabulary words related to travel and tourism, each followed by an example sentence:

  1. Tourist: A person who travels for pleasure or leisure.
    Example: "The city attracts millions of tourists every year."

  2. Destination: A place where people travel or intend to travel.
    Example: "Paris is a popular destination for art lovers."

  3. Itinerary: A planned route or schedule of travel.
    Example: "We followed our itinerary to explore the famous landmarks."

  4. Souvenir: A keepsake or memento bought as a reminder of a trip.
    Example: "I bought a beautiful painting as a souvenir from the art gallery."

  5. Passport: A government-issued document required for international travel.
    Example: "Make sure your passport is valid before booking the trip."

  6. Visa: An official endorsement in a passport permitting entry into a foreign country.
    Example: "You need a valid visa to travel to some countries."

  7. Hotel: A place that provides lodging and accommodations for travelers.
    Example: "We stayed at a luxurious hotel with a view of the beach."

  8. Resort: A place designed for relaxation and recreation, often in a picturesque setting.
    Example: "The family enjoyed their vacation at the all-inclusive beach resort."

  9. Hostel: An inexpensive lodging option, usually with shared facilities.
    Example: "Many backpackers choose to stay in hostels to save money."

  10. Attraction: A place or activity that draws tourists' interest.
    Example: "The Eiffel Tower is a famous attraction in Paris."

  11. Sightseeing: The activity of visiting famous or interesting places.
    Example: "We spent the day sightseeing around the city."

  12. Cruise: A journey on a ship, often for leisure or pleasure.
    Example: "They went on a week-long cruise to explore the Caribbean islands."

  13. Adventure: An exciting and daring experience, often involving risk.
    Example: "White-water rafting is an exhilarating adventure sport."

  14. Guided tour: A tour led by a knowledgeable guide who provides information about the sights.
    Example: "We joined a guided tour to explore the historical landmarks."

  15. Backpacking: Traveling with minimal luggage, often staying in hostels or camping.
    Example: "He's going backpacking through Europe during the summer."

  16. Cuisine: The style of cooking and food characteristic of a region or country.
    Example: "Thai cuisine is known for its bold flavors and aromatic spices."

  17. Local: Relating to or characteristic of a particular place or population.
    Example: "We enjoyed trying the local delicacies at the street market."

  18. Scenic: Having beautiful natural views or landscapes.
    Example: "The drive along the coastal route offered scenic vistas."

  19. Culture: A particular group or society's customs, traditions, and way of life.
    Example: "Experiencing the local culture is an enriching part of travel."

  20. Flight: A journey made by air, usually on an airplane.
    Example: "Their flight to New York was delayed by two hours."

  21. Airport: A place where airplanes take off and land, equipped with facilities for travelers.
    Example: "We arrived at the airport early to catch our flight."

  22. Luggage: Travelers carry suitcases, bags, and other belongings during a trip.
    Example: "Make sure to label your luggage with your name and contact information."

  23. Passenger: A person traveling in a vehicle, especially in a car, bus, or airplane.
    Example: "The bus was full of passengers on their way to the city."

  24. Packing: The act of putting items into luggage for a trip.
    Example: "She started packing her clothes for the vacation."

  25. Adventure sports: Exciting and challenging activities, often performed in outdoor settings.
    Example: "Bungee jumping and rock climbing are popular adventure sports."

  26. Beach: A sandy or pebbly area by the sea or other bodies of water.
    Example: "We spent a relaxing day at the beautiful beach."

  27. Hiking: The activity of walking in natural environments for pleasure or exercise.
    Example: "They went hiking in the mountains and enjoyed the scenic trails."

  28. Traveler's checks: Pre-printed checks for a fixed amount are used as a safe alternative to cash while traveling.
    Example: "She carried traveler's checks as a secure payment option during her trip."

  29. Cultural exchange: The interaction and sharing of cultural practices between different groups.
    Example: "Participating in a cultural exchange program allows you to learn from others' traditions."

  30. Vacation: A period of time devoted to leisure and relaxation away from one's usual routine.
    Example: "We're going on a tropical vacation to unwind and recharge."