Practice Sets

Here is a set of IELTS Speaking questions related to Fitness and Health:


Part 1:
  1. How important are fitness and health in your life?
  2. Do you follow a regular exercise routine? If yes, what type of exercise do you do?
  3. What do you do to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle?
  4. How do you cope with stress in your daily life?
  5. Are there any health-related goals you are currently working towards?
  6. Do you think people in your country prioritize fitness and health? Why or why not?
Part 2:

Describe a fitness activity or exercise that you enjoy doing.
Please say:

  • What is the activity/exercise?
  • How often do you do it, and where?
  • Why do you find it enjoyable and beneficial?
  • How has it helped you in terms of fitness and health?
Part 3:
  1. What are some common health issues that people face in today's society, and how can they be prevented?
  2. How can governments and communities promote a healthier lifestyle among their citizens?
  3. Do you think technology has influenced the way people approach fitness and health? How?
  4. What are some benefits of regular physical activity and exercise on mental health?
  5. How can workplaces support employees in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and work-life balance?
  6. In what ways can society address the issue of sedentary lifestyles and promote physical activity?

Set 2:

Part 1:
  1. How do you stay motivated to maintain your fitness and health routines?
  2. What role does physical activity play in your overall well-being?
  3. How do you manage your time between work/school and engaging in fitness activities?
  4. Are there any fitness trends or fad diets that have gained popularity in your country recently?
  5. How do you think technology has changed how people track and monitor their health and fitness progress?
  6. Do you think mental health is equally important as physical health? Why or why not?
Part 2:

Describe a health-related goal you achieved recently.
Please say:

  • What was the goal?
  • How did you work towards achieving it?
  • How long did it take to accomplish this goal?
  • How do you feel about achieving it?
Part 3:
  1. How can individuals encourage their family and friends to adopt healthier lifestyles?
  2. What are some effective ways to manage weight and prevent obesity?
  3. How does access to recreational facilities and sports venues influence people's participation in physical activities?
  4. What are some factors that contribute to stress and mental health issues in modern society?
  5. How does the media's portrayal of body image affect people's perception of fitness and health?
  6. In what ways can schools and educational institutions promote fitness and health awareness among students?

Remember, these questions are meant to help you practice, and the actual questions in the IELTS Speaking test may differ. Use these prompts to improve your ability to discuss fitness and health topics fluently and coherently. Best of luck with your preparation!

Set 3

Part 1:
  1. What are some popular fitness trends in your country?
  2. How do you think social media influences people's perception of fitness and body image?
  3. Do you believe that a balanced diet is essential for good health? Why or why not?
  4. How do you stay physically active if you have a busy schedule?
  5. What are some ways to encourage children and teenagers to lead a healthy lifestyle?
  6. How does your culture influence your views on health and wellness?
Part 2:

Describe a memorable experience related to sports or physical activity.
Please say:

  • What was the activity or sport?
  • When and where did it take place?
  • Who were you with during this experience?
  • Why do you consider it memorable?
Part 3:
  1. How can governments promote physical fitness and active lifestyles in the community?
  2. What role do schools play in promoting physical education and sports among students?
  3. How can workplaces encourage employees to prioritize their health and well-being?
  4. What are some challenges that people face in maintaining a regular exercise routine?
  5. How does the availability of public parks and recreational areas impact people's physical activity levels?
  6. In what ways can technology help or hinder people's efforts to stay fit and healthy?

Set 4:

Part 1:
  1. How do you think the fitness industry has evolved in recent years?
  2. Do you prefer to exercise indoors or outdoors? Why?
  3. How can individuals make healthier food choices in their daily lives?
  4. What are some benefits of practicing mindfulness and meditation for overall well-being?
  5. How do you think a sedentary lifestyle affects people's health in the long term?
  6. How has the COVID-19 pandemic influenced people's approach to fitness and health?
Part 2:

Describe a health-related challenge you or someone you know faced.
Please say:

  • What was the challenge?
  • How did it impact your or their life?
  • How did you or they overcome this challenge?
  • What lessons did you or they learn from this experience?
Part 3:
  1. How can communities create supportive environments for healthy living and fitness activities?
  2. What are some cultural practices related to fitness and health in your country?
  3. How do health and fitness trends vary among different age groups?
  4. What are some effective ways to raise awareness about the importance of mental health in society?
  5. How can society address the issue of body shaming and promote body positivity?
  6. In what ways can fitness and health programs be made accessible to individuals from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds?

Remember, these questions are meant to assist you in practice, and the actual questions in the IELTS Speaking test may vary. Use these prompts to enhance your ability to discuss fitness and health topics confidently and fluently. Good luck with your preparation!