Practice Sets

Here are sets of IELTS Speaking questions related to Modern Technology:


Part 1:
  1. How often do you use modern technology in your daily life?
  2. What are some examples of modern technology that you rely on the most?
  3. How has modern technology changed the way people communicate with each other?
  4. Do you think modern technology has made our lives easier or more complicated? Why?
  5. What are some potential drawbacks or challenges of using modern technology?
  6. How do you stay updated with the latest advancements in technology?
Part 2:

Describe a piece of technology that you find particularly useful in your daily life.
Please say:

  • What is the technology, and how does it work?
  • How has it improved your daily routine or activities?
  • Why do you consider it useful and important in your life?
  • How has this technology affected society or the way people interact?
Part 3:
  1. What role does modern technology play in the education system?
  2. How has modern technology influenced the way people work and conduct business?
  3. What are the ethical concerns associated with the use of modern technology, such as artificial intelligence?
  4. How does modern technology impact the environment, and what can be done to mitigate its negative effects?
  5. In what ways has modern technology transformed the healthcare industry?
  6. How do you see modern technology evolving in the next decade, and what potential impacts might it have on society?

Set 2:

Part 1:
  1. What are some recent technological advancements that have impressed you the most?
  2. How do you think modern technology has influenced entertainment and leisure activities?
  3. Do you believe that technology has improved our ability to connect with others globally? Why?
  4. How has modern technology changed the way people access and consume information?
  5. What are some concerns about privacy and security in the digital age?
  6. How do you think modern technology will continue to shape the future of various industries?
Part 2:

Describe a time when modern technology helped you solve a problem.
Please say:

  • What was the problem you faced?
  • How did modern technology assist you in resolving it?
  • Why was modern technology crucial in that situation?
  • How did this experience change your perception of technology?
Part 3:
  1. How do you see modern technology impacting transportation and mobility in the future?
  2. What are some potential consequences of relying heavily on modern technology for everyday tasks?
  3. How can governments balance the benefits of modern technology with the need for data protection and privacy regulations?
  4. In what ways can modern technology help address environmental challenges and promote sustainability?
  5. How has the rise of social media and online platforms affected human interactions and relationships?
  6. Do you think modern technology can bridge the gap between different cultures and promote global understanding? How?

Remember, these questions are meant to help you practice your speaking skills, and the actual questions in the IELTS Speaking test may differ. Use these prompts to enhance your ability to discuss modern technology topics confidently and fluently. Best of luck with your preparation!

Set 3

Part 1:
  1. How has modern technology impacted the way people shop for goods and services?
  2. Are there any technological devices or gadgets that you find challenging to use? Why?
  3. How do you think modern technology has changed the entertainment industry, such as music, movies, and television?
  4. Do you think it's essential for children to have access to modern technology from a young age? Why or why not?
  5. What are some potential risks or concerns associated with the overreliance on modern technology?
  6. In what ways has modern technology influenced the way people travel and explore new places?
Part 2:

Describe a recent technological innovation that caught your attention.
Please say:

  • What is the innovation, and how does it work?
  • What are the potential applications of this technology?
  • Why do you find this innovation interesting and significant?
  • How do you think it could benefit society or improve people's lives?
Part 3:
  1. How do you see modern technology influencing the future of work and job opportunities?
  2. What are some potential ethical challenges related to the development and use of advanced technologies like artificial intelligence?
  3. How can governments and organizations ensure equal access to modern technology for all members of society?
  4. How does modern technology impact the education sector, and what are its implications for teachers and students?
  5. What role can modern technology play in addressing global issues such as poverty, climate change, and healthcare access?
  6. In what ways can modern technology enhance creativity and innovation across different fields and industries?

Set 4:

Part 1:
  1. How has modern technology revolutionized how people capture and share memories, such as photographs and videos?
  2. How do you think modern technology has influenced the healthcare sector and patient care?
  3. What are some benefits of using mobile applications and digital platforms for daily tasks and organization?
  4. Do you think modern technology has made people more dependent on machines and less self-reliant? Why or why not?
  5. How does modern technology affect people's attention span and ability to focus on tasks?
  6. In what ways has modern technology improved the accessibility of information and knowledge?
Part 2:

Describe a situation where modern technology helped you overcome a language barrier.
Please say:

  • Where and when did this situation occur?
  • What technology did you use to overcome the language barrier?
  • How did it facilitate communication?
  • Why was this experience important to you?
Part 3:
  1. How has modern technology influenced the advertising and marketing industries?
  2. In what ways can modern technology support individuals with disabilities and special needs?
  3. What are some possible risks of excessive screen time and digital engagement for children and teenagers?
  4. How do you see modern technology impacting the future of transportation, such as autonomous vehicles and electric cars?
  5. What are the potential benefits of using modern technology in disaster preparedness and response efforts?
  6. How do social media platforms affect the way people form opinions and engage in discussions about important issues?

Remember, these questions are meant to assist you in practice, and the actual questions in the IELTS Speaking test may vary. Use these prompts to enhance your ability to discuss modern technology topics confidently and fluently. Good luck with your preparation!