Practice Sets

Here are four sets of IELTS Speaking questions related to University and Student Life:

Set 1:

Part 1:
  1. What university do you attend, and what are you studying?
  2. How did you decide on your choice of university and major?
  3. What do you enjoy the most about university life?
  4. How do you balance your academic responsibilities with social activities?
  5. Have you participated in any extracurricular activities or clubs at university? If yes, which ones?
  6. What do you think are the benefits of living on campus versus off-campus?
Part 2:

Describe a memorable experience or event during your time at university.
Please say:

  • What was the experience or event?
  • When and where did it take place?
  • Who were you with, and what did you do?
  • Why do you consider it a memorable experience?
Part 3:
  1. How can universities support students in achieving a healthy work-life balance?
  2. What are some challenges that international students face when studying abroad, and how can they overcome them?
  3. In what ways do universities contribute to personal and professional development?
  4. How does student diversity enrich the university experience and learning environment?
  5. How can students benefit from networking and building connections during their university years?
  6. What role does technology play in enhancing the educational experience at universities?

Set 2:

Part 1:
  1. How do you manage your time effectively to balance your studies and personal life at university?
  2. What are some tips you would give to incoming freshmen to help them adapt to university life?
  3. How has your university experience influenced your personal growth and career aspirations?
  4. Do you believe that students should focus more on academics or participate in various extracurricular activities?
  5. How do you cope with the academic pressure and challenges at university?
  6. What resources or support services are available to students at your university?
Part 2:

Describe a challenging academic project or assignment you worked on at university.
Please say:

  • What was the project or assignment about?
  • How did you approach it, and what difficulties did you encounter?
  • How did you overcome the challenges and complete the project or assignment?
  • What did you learn from this experience?
Part 3:
  1. How do universities contribute to research and innovation in different fields?
  2. What are some potential advantages and disadvantages of studying in a foreign country?
  3. How can universities foster a sense of community and inclusivity among students from diverse backgrounds?
  4. What role does peer collaboration and group projects play in university education?
  5. How can universities prepare students for the demands of the job market and the future workforce?
  6. In what ways do universities promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills in students?

Set 3:

Part 1:
  1. How do you manage stress and academic pressure during exam periods?
  2. What are some benefits of living in a student dormitory or shared accommodation?
  3. How do you stay motivated and focused on your studies?
  4. Do you think that student involvement in community service is important? Why or why not?
  5. How has your perspective on education changed since starting university?
  6. What are your thoughts on online education and virtual learning platforms?
Part 2:

Describe a memorable lecture or class session you attended at university.
Please say:

  • What was the lecture or class about?
  • Who was the professor, and what made the session memorable?
  • How did this lecture or class impact your understanding of the subject?
  • Why do you consider it a remarkable experience?
Part 3:
  1. How can universities use technology to enhance the learning experience for students?
  2. What are some challenges that students face when transitioning from high school to university?
  3. How can universities promote the importance of mental health and well-being among students?
  4. In what ways does university education prepare students to be active and responsible citizens?
  5. How can students leverage their university experience to build a strong professional network?
  6. What are some potential impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on university education and student life?

Set 4:

Part 1:
  1. What aspects of university life do you find most enjoyable and rewarding?
  2. How do you manage your finances and budget as a university student?
  3. What are some common social activities or events that students participate in at your university?
  4. How has the university experience influenced your personal interests and hobbies?
  5. What challenges do students face when searching for internships or job opportunities during their university years?
  6. How do you stay organized and stay on top of your academic assignments and deadlines?
Part 2:

Describe a university professor or instructor who had a significant impact on you.
Please say:

  • What subject did they teach, and what was their teaching style like?
  • How did they engage with students and create a positive learning environment?
  • How did their teaching approach contribute to your academic growth and development?
  • Why do you consider this professor or instructor as influential in your university experience?
Part 3:
  1. How can universities support students in pursuing their career goals and aspirations?
  2. What are some advantages and disadvantages of studying in a large university versus a small university?
  3. How do student clubs and organizations contribute to personal development and leadership skills?
  4. What are some potential challenges of studying a foreign language for international students?
  5. How can universities promote a sense of responsibility and active engagement in the learning process?
  6. How do you see the future of university education evolving, and what potential changes can be expected?

Remember, these questions are meant to help you practice your speaking skills, and the actual questions in the IELTS Speaking test may differ. Use these prompts to enhance your ability to discuss university and student life topics fluently and coherently. Good luck with your preparation!