
Here are 30 idioms related to modern technology, along with examples of how to use them in conversational speech with the word "example" bolded:

  1. Tech-savvy - having a good understanding and knowledge of modern technology.
    Example: "My younger brother is very tech-savvy and can troubleshoot any computer issue."

  2. On the cutting edge - at the forefront of technological advancements.
    Example: "Their new smartphone is on the cutting edge of mobile technology."

  3. In the cloud - data or applications are stored and accessed over the internet.
    Example: "I prefer to store my photos in the cloud for easy access from any device."

  4. Digital native - a person who has grown up using digital technology from an early age.
    Example: "The younger generation is considered digital natives, as they are very comfortable with technology."

  5. Plug and play - something that works immediately without requiring any additional setup or configuration.
    Example: "The new printer is plug and play, so you can start using it right away."

  6. User-friendly - easy to understand and use, especially regarding technology or software.
    Example: "The app's interface is user-friendly, making it accessible to everyone."

  7. Swipe right - a gesture on touchscreen devices to indicate approval or interest.
    Example: "If you like the profile, just swipe right to show your interest."

  8. Offline - not connected to the internet or network.
    Example: "I can't send the email right now; my phone is offline."

  9. Back up - to create a copy of data for safekeeping, especially on a different device or location.
    Example: "Before updating the software, make sure to back up all your important files."

  10. Cyber Monday - the Monday following Thanksgiving, known for online shopping deals.
    Example: "I got a great deal on a laptop during Cyber Monday."

  11. Viral - a piece of content that spreads rapidly and widely across the internet.
    Example: "Her video became viral, gaining millions of views in just a few days."

  12. Power down - to turn off an electronic device completely.
    Example: "Before leaving the office, remember to power down your computer."

  13. Digital footprint - the trail of data left by a person's online activities and interactions.
    Example: "Be mindful of your digital footprint; it can affect your online reputation."

  14. Emoji generation - the younger generation's tendency to communicate using emojis and visual symbols.
    Example: "The emoji generation expresses emotions through smileys and icons."

  15. Like, share, and subscribe - a phrase used in social media to encourage engagement and following.
    Example: "If you enjoy the content, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to the channel."

  16. Inbox zero - having no unread emails in one's inbox.
    Example: "I strive for inbox zero every day to keep my emails organized."

  17. Artificial intelligence - the development of computer systems that can perform tasks that usually require human intelligence.
    Example: "Companies are investing in artificial intelligence to improve efficiency and customer service."

  18. Virtual reality - an artificial environment created with computer technology that simulates real-life experiences.
    Example: "The museum offers a virtual reality tour of ancient ruins."

  19. Live stream - to broadcast video content in real-time over the internet.
    Example: "The concert will live stream on their official website."

  20. Cookie - a small piece of data stored in a user's web browser to track their online activity.
    Example: "We use cookies to enhance your browsing experience on our website."

  21. Data mining - the process of analyzing large sets of data to discover patterns and information.
    Example: "Social media platforms use data mining to understand user behavior."

  22. Firewall - a security system that protects a computer network from unauthorized access.
    Example: "A good firewall is essential to keep your data safe from cyber threats."

  23. Beta test - a trial period where users test software or product before its official release.
    Example: "I'm excited to beta test the new app and provide feedback."

  24. Clickbait - online content designed to attract clicks and views, often misleading or sensationalized.
    Example: "I don't like websites that use clickbait titles just to get more traffic."

  25. Unplug - to disconnect from technology or electronic devices.
    Example: "Sometimes, it's essential to unplug and spend time in nature."

  26. Digital detox - taking a break from using digital devices to reduce stress and improve well-being.
    Example: "After the busy workweek, I'm planning a digital detox weekend."

  27. Unfriend - to remove someone from one's social media contacts.
    Example: "I had to unfriend some people who were constantly posting negative content."

  28. Geotag - to add location information to a photo or social media post.
    Example: "Don't forget to geotag your travel photos to share the exact location."

  29. Pop-up - a small window that appears on a computer screen, often used for ads or notifications.
    Example: "I hate those annoying pop-up ads while browsing websites."

  30. Second screen - using a second device, like a smartphone or tablet, while watching TV or working on a computer.
    Example: "I often use my phone as a second screen to check social media during commercial breaks."

These idioms can help you easily discuss and navigate the world of modern technology. Enjoy using them in your tech-related conversations!